Programs & Services

Seniors Silver Club

programs and services

Seniors Silver Wellness Centre

The Seniors Silver Club Wellness Centre provides the members of our older adults with the resources and supports they need to maintain their health and independence as they age. 

By offering a wide range of services, the Senior Silver Club Wellness Centre promotes seniors’ overall well-being and physical, emotional, and social health. It provides seniors with a safe and comfortable environment where they can socialize, participate in activities and engage with peers.

Seniors are at a higher risk of social isolation due to a variety of factors, such as the loss of loved ones, mobility challenges, and physical or cognitive limitations. Additionally, social isolation can lead to adverse health outcomes, such as depression and cognitive decline, so it is essential to address and prevent it in older adults.

Seniors Summer Camp

Launched in 2022, the Senior Summer Camp provides a safe and stimulating environment for seniors during the day, offering social activities and opportunities for interaction with others.  The camp provides a variety of programs, including fitness classes, arts and crafts, and educational workshops. It provides opportunities for seniors to engage in outdoor activities such as field trips and gardening. The goal of senior summer camps is to promote physical and mental well-being and to provide a fun and engaging way for seniors to spend their summer months. These activities can include exercise classes such as yoga or tai chi, which can improve balance and flexibility. Outdoor activities like hiking or gardening can also promote physical activity and provide a chance to enjoy nature. Arts and crafts activities can improve hand-eye coordination and provide a creative outlet. Educational lectures and discussions can help keep the mind active and stimulate intellectual curiosity. 

Senior summer camp activities encourage various activities that promote physical and mental well-being.  

Senior Concierge Services

The Senior Concierge Service for seniors provides assistance with various tasks and activities to help older adults maintain their independence and improve their quality of life.

These services can include transportation, meal delivery, grocery shopping, housekeeping, medication reminders, and companionship. They can also include more specialized services such as assistance with medical appointments, physical therapy, and home safety assessments.




Tea Talks

Tea Talks is a term that can refer to informal conversations or discussions that take place over a cup of tea. These conversations can be about any topic and are often used as a way to relax and connect with others in a casual setting. Some people also use “Tea Talks” as a way to discuss important or sensitive topics in a more relaxed and comfortable environment.

Tea Talks for the senior community is a program that facilitates social interaction and conversation among senior citizens. The program typically involves a group of seniors gathering together for a cup of tea and discussing various topics of interest. It can be held in a variety of settings, such as a community center, senior living facility, or even in someone’s home. The goal of Tea Talks is to provide seniors with a sense of community and belonging and to promote mental and emotional well-being through social interaction and conversation.

Armchair Travel

Armchair Travel allows seniors to explore the world from the comfort of their homes.

The program’s goal is to:

  • provide seniors with a way to learn about different cultures and places around the world,
  • help Seniors experience new things, even if they cannot travel physically
  • promote social interaction as it can be shared with friends and family and provides a common topic of conversation.
  • maintain social connections, boost their well-being, and combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Senior Concierge Technological Services

Technological services for seniors are designed to help older adults stay connected and engaged with the world around them.

The goal of these services is to help seniors stay connected, engaged, and independent as they age.

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